[promt: How can you adjust your planned learning activities to meet the needs of your learners if an unexpected event occurs? (for example, a pandemic arises and many of your employees must now work from home – how will you ensure that they can still do their jobs? What training will they need, and how will you deliver it, knowing they must remain at home?) This is a common discussion thread right now as many schools and universities have made the switch to teaching online.]

This is a topic very close to recent life. In fact, the concept of telecommuting has existed for a long time, but in the past, it was impossible for many companies to implement telecommuting when they had a normal life. There are many reasons. First, it is unable to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees. Second, it is difficult to train employees.

Because of the pandemic, many people are forced to move their work from the office to their homes. At the beginning, the handling of many things was chaotic for many people, because this incident happened very suddenly. But after more than a year, we are used to working from home. In my opinion, there are many ways to train employees or students to keep up with their work and learning tasks. How to ensure that employees can do a good job. Every employee should set a deadline for work. When the deadline comes, the employee must submit the work task of the day to their supervisor. It’s the same with students. This method enables both employees and students to work and study spontaneously. Of course, some issues that need to be discussed can be solved by telephone or video chat. Of course, these are one of the methods widely used at present. With the continuous progress of monitoring technology, remote office enterprises have begun to use it solutions to monitor employees. In order to motivate employees to work hard, performance pay should be based on employees’ output rather than input. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, the company should provide some incentive mechanism or some regulations, so that employees can work from home and work hard spontaneously. For some clerks or white-collar workers, their training can be to provide some videos or mentors to follow up their work. These employees can have one-on-one conversations with their supervisors through online applications. Training for the projects or jobs they need to enhance their online familiarity with the projects and jobs, so that the future work can be smoother. In addition, there are many technical support now, which can make the home office more smoothly.